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Workshop: 5 Spiritual Steps for ShadowWork
5 Thursdays, beginning on April 24, 2025 at 7:00 PM ET
The Ministry Team
Our Foundation
Affirming that diversity is a gift that pours over humanity and enriches it, and through an act of communion flowing forth from The Divine Mind and Heart by Kabbalist Rabbi Joseph Gelberman, Swami Satchidananda, a Catholic Priest and Protestant Minister, The New Seminary was founded. It was from this expression of unity and love among faith traditions that The Interfaith Temple, as an ecclesiastical and ordaining body, subsequently came into being.
It was founded upon the radical Divine vision that faith traditions working together will build community and not divide it. Our core belief is that through mutual understanding and accountability, and by adhering to the sacred threads of peace, love, understanding, joy, forgiveness, compassion, and justice, that bind the garment of The Beloved Community, every child of God should be able to achieve their wholeness and completion and use their uniquely imbued divine gifts to achieve their divine purpose.
Through our Liberating Spiritual Approach and “come as you are philosophy,” you may, with reverence, explore and glean from among the rites, rituals, sacred texts, teachings, and tenants of the faith traditions of the world. This will enrich, better inform, and afford the opportunity to reimagine your spiritual practice and life. Our beloved Patriarch, Rabbi Gelberman, affirmed this when he said regarding the nature of spiritual inquiry, “Always this, in addition to,” meaning that we must continue to search for and evolve towards the ultimate reality which is common ground.