Our Vision

By Rev. Dr. Samora Smith, Temple Director

As an Interfaith community, we encourage the exploration of self, and beliefs, and encourage inquiry around religious teachings, faith experiences, and one’s ideas of spirituality. We encourage the experience of unconditional love, mysticism, authentic communion, and heart-centered worship. We encourage the evolution of humanity through consciousness, mindfulness, dedication, compassion, and love. We encourage all who join our community to participate in the wholeness of faith, life, and love. Our hearts and minds are open to Explore, Experience, and Evolve together into the greatest possibilities for humanity.

We welcome all who are open to explore, experience, and evolve, regardless of race, gender, orientation, religious background or beliefs, ethnicity, or nationality.

We expect to find differences of opinions, beliefs, and backgrounds, and encourage civil, open, and honest discourse so that we may learn and grow in understanding, with the full knowledge that we may shift, change, or evolve along the way.

We do not affirm a singular “right” way, but honor and respect the great truths throughout all traditions, with particular attention to the commonalities among our faiths.

We strive to create an encouraging environment for students of The New Seminary to practice leadership and service, leading to confidence and wisdom for their future ministries, while simultaneously sharing in an exciting and soul-expansive atmosphere of devotion and worship for all who attend.
