Circle of Love- Grief Circle

Alternate Mondays at 7:00 PM EST
Circle of Love


Facilitator: TNS Alum Rev. Tim Phares

Grief can come in all forms. Sometimes loss can happen suddenly. This circle is meant to provide support and a safe space for you to process in a group setting. At the Interfaith Temple, we ask you to “come as you are and as you believe”. In this circle, you will join with others to heal the wounds of grief and come to peace as you face a new normal.

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As a Nonprofit 501c-3 religious organization, The Interfaith Temple depends
on your support to cover operating expenses and keep our programming available to all.
Your generous open-hearted donations are tax deductible in the U.S.

A Suggested $10 Love Offering will help to support ongoing Temple programming.


We Bless You and Thank You!
